Sunday, December 17, 2006

Judging a brother or sister...

I just got done about an hour ago with a conversation with a great gal from my church who has been feeling like others are excluding her - juding her as not being good enough to be in their inclusive group. She realizes that most of it is probably just her perception, but she still feels it nonetheless. We talked and prayed about it together and I think she left with hope.

Then just moments ago I somehow find this excellent blog about judging others, especially those within the Church that view ministry differently or dress differently or behave differently than us. I thought this was a fantastic post, and even though it is almost a month old, I thought it beared repeating.

(And for those who didn't't know (like me), Ned Flanders is the Christian character on the Simpsons).

Thanks to Gary Lamb for pointing this post out to me.

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