Tuesday, December 12, 2006


While preparing for a Bible study last week (Route66 at New Covenant at 6:30 pm for those who are looking for a college/young adult group to get involved with) I ran across the following story:

"If somebody offered you $2 million, could you give up sports for two years?" This was the question a sports radio station recently asked its listeners. No games on TV, radio, or in person. No sports page. no ESPN highlight films. No Tuesday morning arguing about Monday Night Football. One fan phoned in and said no, he would definitely not give up sports, not even for $25 million. "It's where I turn when I pick up the paper in the morning," he said. "It's where I go when I'm on the Internet. It's what I watch on television. It's what I listen to on the radio in the car. Everywhere I go, it surrounds everything I do."

When I first read that, I didn't like it. How could someone be so addicted to sports? I mean, I enjoy watching a football game on TV, going to the Kernels stadium, wishing someone would give me tickets to an Iowa wrestling meet, playing tennis, or dreaming what life would be like if I actually had ESPN at home. But not give it up for two years for $2 million? I think I would be able to give up just about anything for $2 mil.

But then it hit me - what couldn't I give up for the highest sums of money? Immediately I thought "My family and my God." There is no WAY I could give them up for even two weeks, let alone two years

How about you? What are you devoted to? Are you living right now in such a way that no amount of money could make you give up your faith or your important relationships? What is it that you can say "everywhere I go, it surrounds everything I do"?

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