Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Music

With Christmas music all over the airwaves, in stores, and pumping out of MP3 players worldwide, I thought I'd share my favorite Christmas CD. It is very unlike any other Christmas CD I've ever heard.

Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God was introduced to me last year before he came to Cedar Rapids in concert. LeAnn and I worked at the Compassion Table, and so got to go to the conference for free. The CD tells the Christmas story through song, but instead of starting with the angel appearing to Mary, it actually starts with the Passover. It has some deeply beautiful and moving songs on it. It has a fun song on it (check out Matthew's Begats). It has a couple of instrumental Christmas numbers (with hammer dulcimer!). It has guest singers (so it isn't about Andrew, but rather about the One who was born). The CD isn't just Christmas music - it is an experience.

Right now, you can listen to the whole album online on Andrew's site. Just click "Open Player" and enjoy!

1 comment:

John said...

This is a great album. Last weekend I had the chance to watch a DVD of Andrew's concert with my small group at church. It is amazing! The songwriting and variety of instruments are very unique. I think I appreciated it even more because I was able to watch it instead of just listen to it.