Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy 60th, Dad!

Today my dad turns 60 years old. We surprised him with a celebration the day after Thanksgiving (LeAnn and I gave him a NET Bible - First Edition for personal study as he prepares for the Sunday School class he teaches at his church - I highly recommend it!) and he is spending his birthday in a MUCH warmer climate (hope you are enjoying Arizona, Mom and Dad!).

I am very proud to be the son of Larry Bird. I like to brag that while my dad is a foot shorter, 10 years older (almost to the day!)and not near as rich as the basketball star, my dad is WAY nicer (Disclaimer: I've never met the basketball Larry, but even if I did, I'd still think my dad is tops!). I love being a father to my 4 kids, and I think it is because my father was such a great dad to me (and I think my brother would say the same thing). I am so thankful for the legacy he started for our family, and I am proud to continue that on for my kids.

Happy 60th Birthday, Dad! I love you!

1 comment:

Kim Pagel said...

Being a dad and a son is as good as it gets. Thanks for sharing this about your dad Erin. And by the way, I think you are an awesome dad!!
