Friday, August 15, 2008

Small changes, Big results

I recently had a conversation with a ministry leader who is frustrated with the current state of things, and so this leader is considering some big options: personally moving into a different ministry, closing the current ministry down, relaunching the ministry with new direction, or anything he can do to help the ministry recapture "It".  I could completely relate to how this friend was feeling - I've had similar feelings and thoughts many times in the past concerning different ministries.

Yesterday, I read about Rotating Sockets.   Rather than have the electrical sockets at the standard stationary parallel position, someone came up with the idea of having the sockets rotate so that you can plug two power bricks into the same socket.  Such a small change, but the result is huge.  (Okay, it's not earth shattering huge, but you don't have to go buy a 6-prong outlet just to plug two things in).

Sometimes it isn't the big decisions like relaunching a ministry, or finding a new job, or jumping into a new relationship that will bring the biggest changes.  Sometimes it is simply the small adjustments that give the big results.  If a ship makes just a small 1, 2, or 4 degree change in direction, the ending port is very different than the original ending place.  A small change can bring big results.

What small change might you need to make rather than the sweeping change you are being tempted with right now?  Maybe it is simply getting back to the discipline of prayer and Scripture intake.  Maybe it is just a correction to your attitude.  Or perhaps it is simply changing how you eat, or being disciplined to get enough sleep.  There is a time for big changes - a move, a new job, a new ministry.  But sometimes the biggest changes can come simply through small things.

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