Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And like a good neighbor...

Last Saturday night, we hosted our almost-annual neighborhood BBQ.  We had a GREAT turnout!  Everyone brought their own meat to grill, a side to share, and a chair to sit back, relax and enjoy the company of great neighbors.  When LeAnn and I moved into the neighborhood 6 and a half years ago, only 1 neighbor intentionally welcomed us to the neighborhood.  Since that time, almost every home around us has since sold and gotten new owners.  These new neighbors have all been eager to not only get to know one another, but also help each other.  It is common to see one neighbor snow blowing another neighbors driveway, to know one neighbor is taking care of another neighbors pets while they are gone on vacation, or to see different neighbors out on a walk together.  In our neighborhood the ages range from baby to grandparent; but what truly matters is people truly are friendly and we can trust one another.

LeAnn and I had our first neighborhood gathering 5 years ago, and the whole neighborhood looks forward to it every summer.  If your neighborhood or apartment complex doesn't do something like this, I'd encourage you to consider recruiting some neighbors to help you start one.  And it doesn't have to be an outdoor barbeque - you could host something around Christmas, or do something around a football game.  I know one person whose whole neighborhood gets together a couple of times a year to watch a movie - they hang a big sheet on the back of their house, set-up a projector, and enjoy treats everyone brings to share.

So get creative!  It will be worth it.  I know - I spent 6 hours in the yard Saturday just getting ready to host the event in our side yard, and don't regret a minute of it.  Because I can't let State Farm be the only good neighbor!

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