Friday, August 22, 2008

Not getting away with it...

I've recently heard several stories in the news about high profile individuals or organizations being discovered as deceivers:
What makes people think they can get away with lies and hypocrisy of this magnitude?

I will admit - as a human I sometimes have thoughts of doing sinful things.  Really, really sinful things.  But everytime I play the scenario out in my mind, I get caught.  And even if I think I've created the "perfect crime", I still know that God has witnessed my imaginary sin-escapade.

As someone who desperately want to be like Christ, thinking through an action before I engage in it has kept me from making some huge blunders.  It is what allows my wife to trust me, my kids to admire me, my co-workers to respect me, and my friends to listen to me.

But let's say I did blow it.  If I were to screw up - God's grace is still there for me.  I am forgiven, even for my future sins.  Thank God for that!  But even though I am justified through Christ, there are still natural consequences for my sin, as the pastor and presidential candidate are currently experiencing.  And personally, I don't want to do that to those I love, to myself, my reputation, nor the Kingdom of God.

If you have screwed up in the past, the worst thing you can do is keep it hidden.  And rather wait until it is discovered and you are found to be a deceiver, be proactive and admit it.  Confess your sin not only to God, but to those who will be hurt by it.  Step into God's grace and move forward toward Christlikeness.

If you are being tempted to create a lie to get attention, or to have an affair, or to embezzle some money, or whatever it might be - confess that to someone.  Confession not only works retroactively, but also proactively.  If others know how you are being tempted, you are less likely to engage it the act.  But not only do I encourage you to confess it, but I also encourage you to think the matter through.  Imagine getting caught.  Who gets hurt?  What happens to your job?  What happens to your relationships?  What happens to your faith?  What happens to your reputation?

Something as simple as thinking the matter through can spare you and others a ton of pain.  Because even if you think you can keep the matter hidden, it will be discovered eventually.  You won't get away with it.  So don't even try - it's not worth it.

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