Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Free Software to one lucky winner...

My "luck" could be yours!  I won a free copy of Invoice through MacZot.  I figured if I ever won, it would probably be for something I wouldn't need - and it turns out I was right!

However, I don't want the software to go to waste, so if you own a Mac and could use Invoice (or know someone who could) then leave a comment.  First person to leave a comment telling me how they will use the software will receive the registration number.

For more on Invoice, visit the software creator's site.


Nathanael Ndjerareou said...

Hey Erin,

I'll take it. I could use it for my expense reporting especially on overseas trips. I noticed it does foreign currency. Man I'm just taking all your apple stuff.
It's been hard giving up my iphone but the macbook is pretty cool. I can see why you like Mac's.

Nate Ndjerareou

-E said...

We have a winner! That was fast, too.

The registration code is on it's way, Nate! And are we on for this Friday? I'm actually in town! :o)

Nathanael Ndjerareou said...

Thanks Erin. Yeah we're on. I'll see you Friday.
