Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A fresh approach

I appreciate it when people take a fresh approach to something ordinary. I think that is one thing (of many) that attracts me to Jesus. He was routinely taking the mundane things that people took for granted and breathed fresh life into them. Whether it was religious traditions like the passover or daily jobs like farming, Jesus had a way of making you think about these things in new ways.

In our day and age, websites are extremely common. So how do you make your site stand out? Here's one author's very creative attempt to combine humor, out-of-the-box thinking, and advertising into one website that will attract attention and readers. I have no idea if she is a follower of Jesus, but I can't help but think this site makes Christ smile.

(Thanks to Seth Godin for the link)

1 comment:

Kim Pagel said...

I saw this on Seth Godin's blog the other day and just loved it! However did it has a great sense of humor. I love it when they begin writing on the stove!