Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mighty Mouse

I'm a Mac guy, and while I don't plan to post much about Macs, this one I felt was worth posting.

Mighty Mouse is on his way!

Dumb name, but looks very cool. But it is 5 years too late! $49 isn't a bad price, but they should have put this out more than a couple of years ago (or left the cord off to be up-to-date). Apple (who was recently named by 600+ CEOs in Business Week as the Most Innovative Company) used to ignore the cry for a two-buttoned mouse with scroll wheel, claiming the one-button mouse as more than efficient enough - now it seems they've changed their ways.

But better late than never, right?

Are you an "Apple"?
Some local church congregations act like Apple has with the computer mouse. They refuse to change things. "But we've never done it that way." And something that surprises me is that I've even heard that line uttered by a young adult before! (Remember, I pastor young adults.)

But our God, the God who does not change, is changing everything! In fact, the whole Christian life is about change! We are changed into new creations when we start following Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are constantly being changed and transformed as we mature in Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). And we will be changed yet again when we enter heaven (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). The Christian life is one of constant change. The only thing that doesn't change is God Himself (Malachi 3:6).

So are you afraid of change? If so, why? In what areas of your life do you need to change? In what areas does your church/ministry/life need to be "better late than never"?

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland" Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

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