Monday, August 22, 2005

Keeping Your Word

Personal News
What a day! It's a Monday, my normal day off, and I am truly taking a day off today. Currently, I am sitting in my backyard under the shade of our big ash tree, typing on my laptop, connected wirelessly to the Internet with a cold glass of water next to me. It is about 62 degrees outside right now, sunny, with an extremely calm breeze. It sure is a lot easier on days like this to say "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24) ;o)

Today is the first day of school, which also means it is M's first day of kindergarten. She was pretty nervous last week and was NOT looking forward to going, but a series of small gifts from God over the past few days (meeting her teacher, seeing her class room, etc.) helped her change her mind and she was ready to go today.

K, on the other hand, couldn't wait for school to get started. She's been eagerly anticipating today since mid-July. Our non-morning girl was up early, grinning from ear to ear, and while Mom fixed her hair, K said, "this is the best day of my life!" Oh, that I pray that attitude continues for life!

Personal Thoughts
The wedding last Friday went well despite the 92% humidity, 92 degree heat, and 92 mosquitos. But there was a downer on the evening. A friend we didn't expect to see there told us she was getting divorced.

LeAnn and I were shocked. She was devastated. It was such a God-thing that we were able to sit with her at the reception, and cry with her and listen to her share about how broken she is. She does not want this divorce, she desperately wants to work things out, but her husband is determined to finish this out. And to make matters worse, they are still under the same roof.

While Colbee and Vivi fully meant the vows they said last Friday night, I don't blame my friend one bit for being a bit cynical. She, too, meant the words she said at her wedding, and she believed her husband did too. And now those words are being so easily (yet painfully) broken. It is so painful when flesh rips.

I have every intention of keeping the vows I made to LeAnn 11 years ago. But yet, do I keep my word in every area of life?

Christ told us to let our yes be yes and our no be no (Matthew 5:37). And so whether it be marriage vows, or work committments, or an agreement between friends, would you be a person who "keeps their word," who let's their yes truly be yes and not just "maybe" or "yes, as long as I feel like it"?

Our world seems to be running out of word-keepers. And our world desperately needs them more than ever.

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