Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Influencing Younger Generations

If you know me, you know I am an extremely uncool person. I may drink Mt. Dew, wear my shirts untucked, and have a blog, but no matter how hard I try, I am very uncool. But I'm fine with that! I used to not be (my fake Air Jordan's in jr. high revealed that), but the harder I tried to be cool, the more uncool I became (you've probably seen it before - it's a very painful thing to watch). But I have finally accepted that I am called by God to be an uncool follower of Jesus, husband, father, and pastor.

But while you and I both know the truth about my uncoolness, there have been a few times in my life where some people misinterpreted the truth and actually thought I really was cool. You're probably thinking "who in the world could make that big of a mistake?" Well, they have a good excuse... they were kids.

Kids flocked to me (some still do, but most are catching on to my uncoolness so the magnet affect is starting to fade). Whether it was the first and second graders I taught Sunday School for right after college, or the kids at the missionary kid school in Venezuela, they wanted to be around me. Why? Because I was simply a young adult who would give them attention, talk with them, listen to them, be silly with them, and just simply spend time with them. Kids are attracted to young adults simply because they are adults who are just over the threshold of adolescence, and so therefore that makes them cool in the eyes of a grade schooler.

But too many young adults seem to be focused on their futures (careers, dating, marriage, having their own kids, etc.) to notice that they have a window of opportunity they will never get again in life - to be cool to the generation immediately behind them.

So are you taking advantage of your coolness? What kids have you influenced lately to know Jesus and love him? How are you giving to the generation coming behind you?

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