Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving letter to Blogger...

Dear Blogger,

Thank you for FINALLY allowing me to upgrade my blog to Blogger Beta. It feels good to be chosen. While I don't think my post about being taunted by you really had anything to do with this new opportunity, I do sense a bit of Murphy's Law (or Murphy's Cousin's Law) in action.

It is Thanksgiving Day, so I am saying Thanks to you. I will take a look at your new features in the near future, but right now I am going to eat my ice cream, then enjoying hot tubbing with my wife now that the kids are in bed. I'm enjoying time at my brother's place in Nebraska, and these relationships at the moment seem more important than learning about your wonderful new updates. So forgive me for setting you aside for a while after complaining about waiting so long for this opportunity.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Blogger. May your servers serve well.

P.S. The photo was taken this afternoon just before Thanksgiving meal. See how happy my family is that you upgraded my blog? We truly are grateful. ;o)

1 comment:

Jimena said...

Mr.& Mrs.Bird?
I can't believe I found you guys here! Wow, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to be a student at C.A. when you were there, and I was in the choir as well... and some weeks ago I thought about you because there was this song we sang in the choir that we never really got right but it was so beautiful and I have been really wanting to know what it is... :s You guys were such a blessing to us students there!

It's also a blessing to have found you and see your family; I just met Karis and she was such a beautiful baby and I see she is still so beautiful. God bless you all in all you do. Much love!