Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Tale of Two Weddings (aka The Need for Different Churches)

Today, I officiated two weddings.  (That's right TWO in ONE day!  Second time I've done it, too.) Both ceremonies were VERY beautiful, and I was so honored to get to be part of both of them.  God is definitely at work in both couples' lives, and it was so cool to be there at the moment they were created as Mr. & Mrs.

But these weddings were so different!

- Wedding #1 lasted an hour and a half (one of the longest I've ever officiated).
- Wedding #2 only went 35 minutes.

- Wedding #1 had LOTS of creative moments: three worship songs, four Scripture readings, a video testimony, a family prayer time, a Salt Ceremony (not a Unity Candle or Sand), and more.
- Wedding #2 had no special music other than during the pouring of colored sand, no elaborate decorations, no major elements, just a simple, off-the-cuff heartfelt message from me, the exchange of vows and rings, and a recessional.

- Wedding #1's rehearsal on Friday night was more formal in attire, and took two hours.
- Wedding #2's rehearsal attire was jeans and Hawkeye shirts, and took just over an hour.

Without a doubt, these weddings were very different - and yet the same thing happened at both; a couple got married!  Even though these ceremonies were opposite in many ways, they both glorified God, both had the gospel shared, both were incredibly beautiful in their own right, and they both had a married couple walk out the back doors of the sanctuary.

And of course, this got me thinking about church planting.

I have had a few people ask me why I feel the call to plant a new church.  Don't we already have enough churches?

Just as today's weddings were different, yet accomplished the same thing, I think there need to be different churches to do the same thing: glorify God by making disciples.  But that goal can be accomplished through a variety of ways:

- One church has a liturgical rhythm.
- Another is more unscripted.

- One church has traditional music with organs and choir.
- One has a blended style of hymns and modern songs.
- And yet another has mood lights and crunching guitars.

- One church has the kids in the service with the adults.
- Another has children's programs on Sunday mornings.
- And another has a hybrid of the two.

- One church the members feel comfortable in suits and dresses.
- Another church's members feel more comfortable in business casual.
- And yet another church just down the street might have more denim than slack in the pews.

- One church builds community through small groups
- One builds community through mid-sized groups
- One builds community through serving groups
- And yet another builds community through all of the above!

And on and on I could go.  The differences between churches are as wide as the differences in people.  Yet each local body should be striving for the same biblical mandate.

It doesn't matter how you get the job done, as long as you are accomplish the goal in a manner that glorifies God.  Because at the end of the day, all followers of Jesus comprise the Bride of Christ.  And THAT is going to be the most beautiful wedding any of us have ever witnessed!

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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