Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It is Finished...

It took much longer than anticipated, but my office is finally cleaned out (although the dust on the shelves and desk betray the phrase "cleaned out"). But as I loaded up the last box, I was surprised as a wave of emotion and memories flooded over me and a prayer of thankfulness came to my lips.

I thought of the hundreds of people I have counseled on that couch, meekly imparting God's truth to them and praying for them. I thought of the countless mornings I sat on the couch next to the window with my Bible, allowing God to shape me, especially these past two years as I prayed and sorted through His crazy call on my life to go plant a church that will hopefully plant other churches. I thought of the great moments when members of the staff family would stop by my office with a quick "hi" or a question. Those moments were usually filled with laughter!

I thought of the teetering tower of books that used to make my little bookshelf smile under the weight.

And then I remembered it was in my office chair, sitting at my desk making a routine check of email on a nondescript Thursday in September of 2008 that I heard my "call" to leave this office, these people, this place, this church I love to go start a new church to reach people who need to hear about Jesus and be invited to go deeper in their spiritual journey with Him.

As the tears flowed as I silently prayed, I uttered words of gratefulness for all that took place over the past several years in this office. And it is my ongoing prayer that the ministry that happened here would be duplicated and even increased as my family and I follow God by faith into this unknown future.

So don't let that photo, nor my title fool you. The office may be empty, but the memories are full. And my duties at New Covenant may be finished, but the ministry God has for me in the future is far from over.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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