Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Most Amazing Wife in the World

As I am preparing to lead two weddings today (yes, you read that right - TWO!), I find myself being reflective upon my own marriage.  And I am convinced I am married to the most amazing woman on the planet.  Why do I say that?

Let the evidence speak for itself...

When I told her two years ago I felt God was calling us to leave the church we love to go plant a church, she said "okay, let's do it!"  Her support of me and this church planting dream is unrivaled.

She is the most faithful person I have ever known.

She sacrifices so much to serve our family. For instance...

She graduated valedictorian in her high school class of 400+ seniors with a 4.0+ GPA, had a full-ride scholarship to college, was routinely told by math students in Venezuela she was the best teacher they had ever had, and yet she gladly gave up the accomplishments and accolades she could have had in the marketplace or education for the promotion of being a full-time at-home mom.

She is a whiz at managing numbers and finances.  Her attention to details is beyond compare.

The grace she extends to ALL people is inspiring!  She likes everyone she meets and treats all people equally with kindness.

When I am my biggest critic, feeling insecure, and incapable of planting, leading, and pastoring a church, she is my biggest supporter, speaking truth into my life.

She doesn't play head games.

She is incredibly forgiving.  She forgives me so quickly and deeply, it truly humbles me, making me desire to have the same trait.

She truly appreciates each of our children for who they are as unique individuals, and she parents them as is best for each of them.

Her love language is quality time – and she gives it generously to whoever needs it... whether that is me, or one of the children, or a female friend in need of conversation and prayer.

She has a heart and passion for Christ that is awe-inspiring.  She truly embraces faith.

She is modest in so many areas - perception of self, fashion, the future, abilities, and more.

She is consistent.  It is so comforting to know I can truly rely on my wife.

She doesn't waste money - I never have to worry when she goes shopping.

She operates our household with aplomb.  She is without a doubt a Proverbs 31 woman.

And on and on I could go...

As our home is in a bit of disarray and chaos because of boxes, transition, an unknown future, a busy schedule, and more, I realize that in the middle of all this is a woman who shines forth.  I am so grateful for her, and decided I needed to publicly declare what an amazing woman I am connected to.  God must really love me to make me one flesh with such an incredible woman!

(Just in case you, my reader, are wondering - I am not in the doghouse as I type this! :o)

LeAnn, I love you.  And I would exchange vows with you all over again.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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