Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat? (Reactions to New Churches)

Tonight we held our "2nd annual 5-minute Trick or Treat Party" in our garage.  Instead of just handing costumed-kids candy at the door, we made them earn their sugar.  Games included a bean bag toss, a "fishing" pond, and a duck pond where kids could receive gum, candy, or toys.  And parents could warm up with hot apple cider, apple cake, and popcorn.

Because a "5-minute party" is rather unusual and not normal for the culture, it is kind of fun watching the reactions of "customers" (as my 6-year-old son called them!).  Reactions varied widely, from the middle school boys who "didn't have time" to play games, to the middle school girls who wanted to stand around chatting while munching on their "winnings."  But my favorite reactions were of some parents.

One father walked up to the garage entrance tonight and peered skeptically in while 4 late elementary/early middle school girls stood behind them.  Even with my reassurance, he still wasn't sure if he should step in our not.  After the girls with him played a couple of games, I could see him visibly soften toward the idea of being in a stranger's garage while his kids had fun.  Five minutes later as they prepared to exit to go pilfer other homes of candy, this father turned to me with a slight smile and said "thanks."

Contrast this to the couple who walked in with 3 little ones about half-way through the evening.  As their children buzzed from game to game, the mom could not stop smiling.  She thanked me approximately 3.23 times, and the dad echoed her almost each instance.  They even said to themselves "this is such a wonderful idea!"

As the happy family made their way out, leaving our garage empty for a short time before the next set of "customers" descended upon us, I turned to my oldest daughter and said, "that's how it is going to be with our new church - reactions will be all over the place."

Like the dad with 4 girls, some people will be extremely skeptical of a new church.  They'll think we are a cult.  They'll think we won't make it past the first year.  They'll think we are weird or not legitimate.  For a variety of reasons, they'll be wary about joining us to worship God.

Others will be like the couple with three young ones.  They'll be overjoyed at the idea of this new church.  They'll eagerly jump in.  They'll comment to themselves how much they like this new church.  It won't bug them one bit that they are part of a church family that uses rented facilities and has to set-up and tear-down each Sunday.

And yet others will be like the middle school boys and be too busy for this new church, while some will be like the middle school girls and just enjoy what the church has to offer without ever really becoming part of it.

Yep, I can't guarantee much of anything about this yet-to-be-seen church, but I can guarantee this: reactions will be all over the place.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

You're Invited to our 5-Minute Trick or Treat Party!

Like last year, we are hosting a Trick or Treat Party for those who are going around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.  Instead of just getting candy at the door, we are inviting people into our cleaned out garage to play a few games, enjoy some apple cake, and have some hot apple cider.

So if you are in Cedar Rapids, feel free to stop by for a few minutes, enjoy the festivities, meet someone new, and then carry on pillaging the neighborhood of sugary treats.

And for those who need directions, click here.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Color Outside the Lines

Below is the first every "guest post" on my blog.  My friend, Nate Collins, wrote this as a short devotional that he included with the weekly prayer requests for one of the Adult Bible Fellowships at New Covenant.  I hope it encourages you as much as it encouraged me.


If I was to hand you a box of crayons and a coloring book would you second-guess yourself on your choice of colors? Would you decide to stay within “the lines”?

Now think back as a kid when you did have the crayons in your hand and you didn’t care what anyone thought. You simply experimented, and whatever you wanted that picture to look like, that’s what it would look like. You also did not care whether you were inside the lines or not.

 How about if I were to hand you a blank sheet of paper? How long would you have to think before your crayon hits the paper? Put the same crayons in the hands of a little kid and almost immediately the crayon makes contact with the paper.

 As we got older, all of a sudden, staying “within the lines” was the rule. Grass is supposed to be green, the sky is supposed to be blue. Yes, there is nothing wrong to perceive the world as it really is, and staying within the lines can make a “good looking” picture.

 But how many times have we seen masterpieces of art from the greats and kids who let their imagination free?

 God gave us a mind that is capable of extraordinary things.

 Hebrews 11:1 says,  “To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see”

 Dictionary: the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.

 Faith and imagination. Think about it. And don’t be afraid to color outside the lines.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Tale of Two Weddings (aka The Need for Different Churches)

Today, I officiated two weddings.  (That's right TWO in ONE day!  Second time I've done it, too.) Both ceremonies were VERY beautiful, and I was so honored to get to be part of both of them.  God is definitely at work in both couples' lives, and it was so cool to be there at the moment they were created as Mr. & Mrs.

But these weddings were so different!

- Wedding #1 lasted an hour and a half (one of the longest I've ever officiated).
- Wedding #2 only went 35 minutes.

- Wedding #1 had LOTS of creative moments: three worship songs, four Scripture readings, a video testimony, a family prayer time, a Salt Ceremony (not a Unity Candle or Sand), and more.
- Wedding #2 had no special music other than during the pouring of colored sand, no elaborate decorations, no major elements, just a simple, off-the-cuff heartfelt message from me, the exchange of vows and rings, and a recessional.

- Wedding #1's rehearsal on Friday night was more formal in attire, and took two hours.
- Wedding #2's rehearsal attire was jeans and Hawkeye shirts, and took just over an hour.

Without a doubt, these weddings were very different - and yet the same thing happened at both; a couple got married!  Even though these ceremonies were opposite in many ways, they both glorified God, both had the gospel shared, both were incredibly beautiful in their own right, and they both had a married couple walk out the back doors of the sanctuary.

And of course, this got me thinking about church planting.

I have had a few people ask me why I feel the call to plant a new church.  Don't we already have enough churches?

Just as today's weddings were different, yet accomplished the same thing, I think there need to be different churches to do the same thing: glorify God by making disciples.  But that goal can be accomplished through a variety of ways:

- One church has a liturgical rhythm.
- Another is more unscripted.

- One church has traditional music with organs and choir.
- One has a blended style of hymns and modern songs.
- And yet another has mood lights and crunching guitars.

- One church has the kids in the service with the adults.
- Another has children's programs on Sunday mornings.
- And another has a hybrid of the two.

- One church the members feel comfortable in suits and dresses.
- Another church's members feel more comfortable in business casual.
- And yet another church just down the street might have more denim than slack in the pews.

- One church builds community through small groups
- One builds community through mid-sized groups
- One builds community through serving groups
- And yet another builds community through all of the above!

And on and on I could go.  The differences between churches are as wide as the differences in people.  Yet each local body should be striving for the same biblical mandate.

It doesn't matter how you get the job done, as long as you are accomplish the goal in a manner that glorifies God.  Because at the end of the day, all followers of Jesus comprise the Bride of Christ.  And THAT is going to be the most beautiful wedding any of us have ever witnessed!

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

The Most Amazing Wife in the World

As I am preparing to lead two weddings today (yes, you read that right - TWO!), I find myself being reflective upon my own marriage.  And I am convinced I am married to the most amazing woman on the planet.  Why do I say that?

Let the evidence speak for itself...

When I told her two years ago I felt God was calling us to leave the church we love to go plant a church, she said "okay, let's do it!"  Her support of me and this church planting dream is unrivaled.

She is the most faithful person I have ever known.

She sacrifices so much to serve our family. For instance...

She graduated valedictorian in her high school class of 400+ seniors with a 4.0+ GPA, had a full-ride scholarship to college, was routinely told by math students in Venezuela she was the best teacher they had ever had, and yet she gladly gave up the accomplishments and accolades she could have had in the marketplace or education for the promotion of being a full-time at-home mom.

She is a whiz at managing numbers and finances.  Her attention to details is beyond compare.

The grace she extends to ALL people is inspiring!  She likes everyone she meets and treats all people equally with kindness.

When I am my biggest critic, feeling insecure, and incapable of planting, leading, and pastoring a church, she is my biggest supporter, speaking truth into my life.

She doesn't play head games.

She is incredibly forgiving.  She forgives me so quickly and deeply, it truly humbles me, making me desire to have the same trait.

She truly appreciates each of our children for who they are as unique individuals, and she parents them as is best for each of them.

Her love language is quality time – and she gives it generously to whoever needs it... whether that is me, or one of the children, or a female friend in need of conversation and prayer.

She has a heart and passion for Christ that is awe-inspiring.  She truly embraces faith.

She is modest in so many areas - perception of self, fashion, the future, abilities, and more.

She is consistent.  It is so comforting to know I can truly rely on my wife.

She doesn't waste money - I never have to worry when she goes shopping.

She operates our household with aplomb.  She is without a doubt a Proverbs 31 woman.

And on and on I could go...

As our home is in a bit of disarray and chaos because of boxes, transition, an unknown future, a busy schedule, and more, I realize that in the middle of all this is a woman who shines forth.  I am so grateful for her, and decided I needed to publicly declare what an amazing woman I am connected to.  God must really love me to make me one flesh with such an incredible woman!

(Just in case you, my reader, are wondering - I am not in the doghouse as I type this! :o)

LeAnn, I love you.  And I would exchange vows with you all over again.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It is Finished...

It took much longer than anticipated, but my office is finally cleaned out (although the dust on the shelves and desk betray the phrase "cleaned out"). But as I loaded up the last box, I was surprised as a wave of emotion and memories flooded over me and a prayer of thankfulness came to my lips.

I thought of the hundreds of people I have counseled on that couch, meekly imparting God's truth to them and praying for them. I thought of the countless mornings I sat on the couch next to the window with my Bible, allowing God to shape me, especially these past two years as I prayed and sorted through His crazy call on my life to go plant a church that will hopefully plant other churches. I thought of the great moments when members of the staff family would stop by my office with a quick "hi" or a question. Those moments were usually filled with laughter!

I thought of the teetering tower of books that used to make my little bookshelf smile under the weight.

And then I remembered it was in my office chair, sitting at my desk making a routine check of email on a nondescript Thursday in September of 2008 that I heard my "call" to leave this office, these people, this place, this church I love to go start a new church to reach people who need to hear about Jesus and be invited to go deeper in their spiritual journey with Him.

As the tears flowed as I silently prayed, I uttered words of gratefulness for all that took place over the past several years in this office. And it is my ongoing prayer that the ministry that happened here would be duplicated and even increased as my family and I follow God by faith into this unknown future.

So don't let that photo, nor my title fool you. The office may be empty, but the memories are full. And my duties at New Covenant may be finished, but the ministry God has for me in the future is far from over.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Church Fighting revealed on camera!

<begin joke>

Now that I am officially no longer the young adult pastor at New Covenant, I felt the truth could be revealed.  The reason I left New Covenant is because of all the fighting!  While it appeared we all got along so well on the staff, behind closed doors it was a completely different story.  I just couldn't handle the constant fighting, which even turned violent at times.  Why else would Mark Eades, the Middle School Pastor, work so hard at getting his black belt in Tae-Kwan-Do?  Or Mark Forstrom, the High School Pastor, start kickboxing?

Don't believe me?  Here's the evidence...

Download now or watch on posterous
IMG_0026.MOV (7274 KB)

<end joke>

In all truth, I never thought a church staff could get along this well.  The staff of New Covenant have become my family, and "losing" them has been one of the hardest things about obeying God into this call of church planting.  My prayer is that one day I will be working along a staff that will honor Christ like this team has the past 8 1/2 years I've been with them, seek to keep unity in the Spirit, and have fun doing it!

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Church Fighting revealed on camera!

<begin joke>

Now that I am officially no longer the young adult pastor at New Covenant, I felt the truth could be revealed.  The reason I left New Covenant is because of all the fighting!  While it appeared we all got along so well on the staff, behind closed doors it was a completely different story.  I just couldn't handle the constant fighting, which even turned violent at times.  Why else would Mark Eades, the Middle School Pastor, work so hard at getting his black belt in Tae-Kwan-Do?  Or Mark Forstrom, the High School Pastor, start kickboxing?

Don't believe me?  Here's the evidence...

Download now or watch on posterous
IMG_0026.MOV (7274 KB)

<end joke>

In all truth, I never thought a church staff could get along this well.  The staff of New Covenant have become my family, and "losing" them has been one of the hardest things about obeying God into this call of church planting.  My prayer is that one day I will be working along a staff that will honor Christ like this team has the past 8 1/2 years I've been with, seek to keep unity, and have fun doing it!

Erin Bird
Twitter: erinbbird

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Temptation (I'm still going to plant a church...)

Several years ago, I chose to fast from food for 8 days leading up to hosting a Starving Jesus tour stop.  As I made this significant spiritual decision, suddenly temptation was all around me.  I noticed food commercials like never before.  I made a birthday cake for my wife and couldn't indulge.  I even sat at Biaggi's sucking on lemon water while everyone around me enjoyed their delectable dishes.  But by God's grace, I hung on to my convictions for the entire eight days.

So it comes as no surprise that the week my duties as young adult pastor at New Covenant end because of a significant spiritual decision to obey God and go learn how to start a new church (which means leaving a good salary to go fundraise my own salary), I receive two contacts from friends about job openings at their churches.

Because I am absolutely certain I am doing what God has called me to do, the temptation to inquire about these positions is pretty much nil.  But maybe they would be tempting to you or someone you know.  So let me pass these on to you...

- My college church, Siloam Springs Bible Church, is looking for a new senior pastor.  To inquire for more info, email
- A high school friend told me his church is looking for a youth/young adult pastor.  (Update: The church isn't quite ready to publicize the position.)
- And of course, my church is now looking for a young adult pastor.  To apply, go here.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Top 10 Rejected Mid-Sized Groups

Last night at the potluck/program remembering the past 8 1/2 years of the ministry God gave me at New Covenant, my friend and executive pastor, Kim Pagel, shared the "Top 10 Rejected 'High-Tech' Adult Bible Fellowships."  (An Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) is a mid-sized community group that meets on Sundays in New Covenant's building.)  Kim set this up as if these were my ideas - which made it pretty funny - but in reality these were just to add some humor to the evening. (In other words, I never came up with any of these ideas - although I wish I could claim I did come up with a couple of them!).

So for some laughs, here are Kim's "Top 10 Rejected High Tech ABF Ideas"

 10.    RSS Feed ABF – Subscribe to all your favorite Bible teachers, podcasts and websites.
9.      Blogger ABF – The best Bible lessons that no one ever reads!
8.      E-mail ABF – Are you kidding me! E-mail is so yesterday! If you wish to unsubscribe from this ABF, reply to this e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
7.      iABF – There’s an app for that!
6.      Texting ABF – G2CU! GRWG! GTG.  =)  (Translation: Good to see you! Get right with God! Got to go.)
5.      Satellite Dish ABF – For $19.95 per month you get the All ABF Channel with discipleship 24 hours a day!
4.      Chat Room ABF – Share prayer requests with someone named ChurchLady584
3.      Fantasy Team ABF – Draft your teacher, leadership team and fellow class members from the web-based church directory!
2.      Facebook ABF – Send an invite to 1200 of your closest friends.
1.      Twitter ABF – Tweet deep theological truths 140 characters at a time.

Here's hoping most of these don't catch on...

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Monday, October 11, 2010

I want to be a tree (not a shrub)

The Lord says,
“I will put a curse on people
who trust in mere human beings,
who depend on mere flesh and blood for their strength, 
and whose hearts have turned away from the Lord.
They will be like a shrub in the desert.
They will not experience good things even when they happen.
It will be as though they were growing in the desert,
in a salt land where no one can live.

My blessing is on those people who trust in me,
who put their confidence in me.
They will be like a tree planted near a stream
whose roots spread out toward the water.
It has nothing to fear when the heat comes.
Its leaves are always green.
It has no need to be concerned in a year of drought.
It does not stop bearing fruit.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Garage Saling on Thursdays - Church Planting on Assumptions (Understanding the Culture)

Our garage sale (or rather Our-Sale-To-Sell-Stuff-Which-Happened-To-Be-Held-In-Our-Garage Sale) went over extremely well this past week.  We were very pleased with the amount of stuff we were able to get rid of, er, I mean, sell and bless others with. ;o)

But our sale would never have been as successful had we gone with our original plan.  Not being avid garage salers ourselves, we just assumed these temporary residential storefronts were a weekend thing.  Sure, we notice some sales were on Thursday or even Wednesday, but we just assumed the biggest day would be a Saturday.

An experienced garage-saling friend suggested we move our sale up from Friday-Saturday to Thursday-Friday.  Wow, was she ever right!  Thursday was by far our best day.  Thursday was probably three times busier, and we sold three times more.  Our friend knew the culture and her insight into the ways of rabid garage salers helped us be far more successful had we merely operated on pre-conceived assumptions.

I wonder how much of "church" is done based upon pre-conception.  We just assume "church" should be done a certain way, like a Saturday garage sale.  But the culture has changed, and the church should start doing Thursday sales to be most effective at reaching those who don't have a relationship with Christ yet.

What assumptions do you think the American church has been running on that need to be adjusted?  What is a "Saturday" thing that needs to be switched to a "Thursday"?

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

The Latest (and Last?) Issue of The Connection

Here is a link to Issue 10 of the young adult newsletter from New Covenant.  The main subject is about the search for and switch to a new young adult pastor due to my answering God's call to learn how to plant a new church that will then plant other churches.

And because I was the originator of The Connection as a tool to help connect young adults to God, each other, and New Covenant, I have no idea what the future plans will be with the newsletter.  There is a possibility the Young Adult Pastor Search Committee will do another issue around January to keep you updated with their progress in finding God's man for the position.  Perhaps the new young adult pastor will want to keep The Connection as a vehicle to communicate with the young adult flock at NCBC.  Or perhaps, the newsletter will simply end at the nice round number of ten.

Issue 10 should hit mailboxes this week.  Until then (or if you aren't a young adult at New Covenant), enjoy the PDF.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Garage Sale Time!

In preparation for moving and selling our home in the next few months, my family is having a Garage Sale tomorrow and Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. (Okay, truthfully, we are not selling the garage, we are just selling stuff in the garage (I say that for any English Language Legalists reading this...).  If you are in Cedar Rapids and interested in what stuff will be for sale in our garage, go to the Craigslist page we set up.

And when it comes time to get rid of the garage, we've decided we'll give it FREE to whoever buys our house.  So if you actually do want our garage, feel free to make us an offer on the house...

To find our Garage:

<br /><small>View Larger Map</small>

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest