Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Liar's Club

Many people think the only way to advance in life is through lying and cheating. And yet, when someone is caught doing it, people get upset. That's because character really does matter in life.

Pat Forde, a columnist for ESPN, is not a follower of Christ as far as I can tell. His "Dash" column frequently has a scantily-clad woman adorning his sports insights. And yet he is upset that Nick Saban, after repeatedly saying he was not going to Alabama to be their football coach, was just announced as the Crimson Tide's new head honcho.

Integrity and character really do matter, even to those who don't follow Christ. Romans 2:15 tells us that God has put His laws on the heart of mankind. Part of God's laws for life include not lying. So no wonder Pat Forde, who has probably lied in his own job, gets upset seeing someone else lie.

So to you, my young adult friend (and those of you not young adults), don't lie. It's not worth it. It doesn't save you face. It doesn't help the awkward situation go away. It only complicates things and loses you respect.

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