Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2007 Prognostications

Each year at the turn of the calendar (which, by the way, is man made, and their are lots of different calendars, but I digress...), various people feel the need to prognosticate about the future ("prognosticate" is my Big-Word-for-the-week (Thank you, Tye). Feel free to randomly drop it into sentences during casual conversation... I'm digressing again...). Fortune tellers, tabloids, gas station clerks, and even everyday average survey takers (who, if correct, will be paying out the nose for gas for their SUVs while waiting for Jesus to come back to save them from the next terroist attack which will come after extraterrestial life is discovered... stop the digression, Erin...) are making predictions about what the next 365 days hold.

One of the annual participants in this new year sport is Pat Robertson. This time around, Pat has made headlines saying that God told him that by the end of the year, a terrorist attack will occur in the U.S. which will result in mass killings. (Pat's clearly an optimist by nature... okay, I'm done with these parentethical digressions...)

While I'm sure Pat will be raked over the coals in the blogosphere by Christian and non-Christian alike for these comments, I want to focus on something different. The thing that stuck out to me in the ABC News article was this quote by Pat about his previous prophecies:

"I have a relatively good track record," he said. "Sometimes I miss."

But God says that his true prophets never miss. If Pat was really speaking for God, then he would never be wrong about these predictions. A good track record isn't good enough. Only 100% accuracy is the proof that someone's prognostications are truly from the Most High God.

I've sensed things about the future before that I thought were from God. Sometimes they were right. Sometimes they were wrong. Which is why I didn't share them publicly or claim to be speaking on God's behalf. I'm not a prophet. I'm a child of God who yearns to listen to his Daddy's voice. But sometime's in my childishness, I misinterpret what He is saying to me. And with Pat this time around, I'm hoping that's the case.

My prognostications for 2007:
#1. Billions of people will ignore Pat Robertson's prognostications.
#2. Erin Bird will not resolve his parenthetical digression problem (because it's not a problem... really... it's not... I can quit at any time... see...).

1 comment:

Scot said...

I was thinking the same thing when I read he said, "I have a relatively good track record. Sometimes I miss."

Yep, I am glad I am not a prophet.