Tuesday, January 16, 2007

From the mouths of babes...

I was just getting ready to close my computer when I remembered I was going to blog about a quote I heard today. This one was too good (and cute) to not post.

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, our church hosts a MOPS group. While the moms are in the main session hearing a speaking, talking around tables, and enjoying great food, their kids are being loved and cared for by great volunteers.

In the 3-year-old class this morning, the volunteers were teaching the kids about rules and how rules are designed to keep us safe. As part of the discussion, the teacher said "ok kids, pretend you are at the mall with your mommy. What rules might your mommy have while you are there?"

One kid said something about holding hands. Another said something about not running. And then a little girl spoke up.

"Keep your head up so you are following the right legs."

Oh God, my heavenly daddy, help me to keep my head up so I will follow where you lead!

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