Wednesday, January 10, 2007

House Churches in Secular News

I thought it was interesting that ABC News thought an article about house churches was newsworthy today. The author of the article seemed somewhat familiar with the church culture in America and must have been fairly familiar with some of the evangelical megachurches in the nation to call up Willow Creek and Saddleback. I thought it interesting that while the author was probably wanting to pit a fight between pro-house church camps and traditional "building church" camps, the Saddleback and Willow people just appear to be going with the flow and helping people connect to Christ and each other as seems best. Seems like a great attitude to have!

I am not "anti-house church", but whenever I have read articles by extremely "pro-house church" people, I often find their comments to be immature and steeped in cynicism or sarcasm, and I saw it again in this article. Some of them appear to have been extremely hurt, and so their house church is more of a reaction to "building" churches rather than a creation birthed from a firm conviction that this is where and how the Lord has led them. And it has been my experience that organizations built as a reaction to something are not the healthiest of groups.

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