Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Logos Hope Jamaica Vision Team Update #1 - #lhjvt

The Logos Hope Jamaica Vision Team left the Eastern Iowa Airport in a de-iced airplane at 9:30 am, just before the snow started to become a problem for the area.  Travel was very smooth the entire day, moving through Chicago and Miami, arriving in Montego Bay at 8:30 pm local time (which is also Eastern Time).

Accommodations on the ship are very simple and nice.  We all slept comfortably, ready for breakfast at 7:00 am, Tuesday morning.

After breakfast, we joined in ship devotions.  We heard an excellent message on being a willing servant for Christ, looking at Mary's willingness in Luke 1 to obey God's plans.

We then moved on to orientation, where our excellent coordinator and host, John Benn from South Africa, gave us the 411 on the ship and our jobs for the week.  Some of us were humble enough to actually learn something! ;o)

After explanations of the ships operations, our schedule (which I will post later, hopefully), and more, John led the 6 of us, along with our host, Stephanie Perry from Miami, on a tour of the ship.  Because the ship was closed to the public today, we saw the bookstore, the "iCafe", the Hope Theater, the engine area, the book hold, outside decks, the "school" for the children on board, and much more.

After the grand tour, we got our photos taken for the photo badges we have to wear while on the ship.

After lunch, we headed out to see more of Montego Bay and determine if the rumors were true that the sun still existed and warm weather really was still on the earth (we discovered it is true!).  We topped off the afternoon with a fantastic supper of Jamaican jerk chicken (and jerk pork and jerk sausage and...) at The Pork Pit.

Tomorrow we all split up onto different ship teams.  Jay and Kandy have an "E-Day" (experience day) out at a prison.  Mark and I are working in the engine room.  And Andrew and Erin, I believe, are in the bookstore (but I'm doing this from memory, so I might be wrong).

There are over 47 nationalities on board the Logos Hope.  Besides South Africa and America, I have also met people from England, Ireland, Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Netherlands, and South Korea.  And I'm sure that number will double tomorrow.

Continue to pray for insight into what God might want us to do for the future.  Pray for safety as we jump into various jobs on the ship.  And pray for the Jamaicans that are coming to the ship for books and the programs, that they might learn about Christ and be encourage to truly follow him.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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