Monday, January 25, 2010

The musical copyright I never knew I had...

Many years ago, I read a tip that suggested creating a Google Alert for your name.  So I've been getting periodic emails from Google telling me when my name appears on the web (this is how I learned there is actually another male Erin Bird in the world).

Today, Google Alert delivered a few more instances of my name on the web, one of which was very surprising.  Clicking the link took me to a page where I discovered this:

I played in a contemporary jazz band in college called Moment's Notice.  Grady went on to actually have some success in music.  We wrote a few of our own pieces (mostly co-authored songs by Grady and myself - two of which appeared on Grady's first album (without giving me credit, I might add... but I'm not bitter.  Grady gave me a CD for free.).  But as for the song or album in the listing, I have absolutely no recollection of this song.

But this makes me want to ask: Am I getting robbed of some royalties? ;o)

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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