Thursday, January 07, 2010

Bible Reading Plans and Tips

The following is from the latest issue of The Connection, the young adult newsletter I put together quarterly for the young adults at New Covenant Bible Church.  After posting Issue 8 on my blog, I realized that some might like to have this article apart from the PDF or paper version, so here it is in "normal" text mode:

Bible Reading Plans:

Here are some different plans to help you with your goal of reading the Bible in a year.

  • Engage Scripture is a great reading plan put together by a church in the St. Louis area:  Includes catch-up days!
  • has 20+ reading plans to choose from.  Keep track online. They even have mobile apps so you can stay current with your reading plan on your phone!
  • has 5 different reading plans in PDF form available to download, print, and put in your Bible. The plans can be found at .
  • The Navigators have three tried-and-true Bible reading plans in PDF form available for download:

Bible Reading Tips:

  1. Set a consistent time (morning, lunch hour, before your workout, before bed, etc.)
  2. Pick a specific place you can consistently read in without much disturbance (a favorite chair, your car, your office, the bedroom, etc.)
  3. Choose a faithful translation that you can understand. The New International (NIV), English Standard (ESV), New Living (NLT), or the NET Bible ( are a few good readable translations.
  4. Recruit someone to do it with you!  This provides accountability and someone to share the things God is teaching you.
  5. If you get behind, don’t fret!  The most important goal is allowing God to impact you with His Holy Words, not just get through a certain amount of text.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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