Friday, January 08, 2010

Living for More than Me

Have you ever considered the existence of the wall socket before?  There he is, stuck in a perpetual wall-sit as if being punished for some unspeakable crime.  If you touch him with scissors, he gets very angry, spitting electrical sparks at you for daring to enter his space. (Not that I would know from my 6th grade study hall or anything...).  To be fair - who can blame him for getting upset?  I wouldn’t want some sharp pointy object jabbed into my eyes either.

Dressed in only a modest cover, there he sits, all alone against the wall.  But to leave him alone renders him completely useless.  Mr. Wall Socket was not created simply to be.  (He makes a lousy wall decoration.)  His purpose in life is to provide electricity for some man-made contraption.  He exists to serve something else.

Guess what?  You are an electrical socket.  Whether you realize it or not, you were made to live for more than just you.  You were not designed to remain alone, but rather to interact with some other God-made contraptions called humans.

Think about it.  If you claim to be a follower of Jesus, then this means you are to follow his mission.  And what was his mission?

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 (NIV)

So if you are supposed to be like Jesus, let me ask you: Where are you serving?  Who are you serving?  For who are you giving your life in order to help others connect with God?

If you are serving, whether in your church or the community, then thank you.  Keep doing what you are doing.

But if you aren't giving your life to serve others, then I encourage you to get involved.  Don’t just sit on the wall.  Plug in.  Serve someone else.

You just might find the results a bit electrifying to your spiritual life.

adapted from Issue 1 of The Connection, the young adult newsletter of New Covenant Bible Church

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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