Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Counting on God

Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions.  Facebook statuses revealed that some people are elated to have Barak Obama as our next president, while others can't believe God would allow Obama in the highest office.  I had great conversations over breakfast and lunch with a couple of different friends, but in between talked with a wife who is going through horrible marital difficulties.  Of course, several other things happened during my day - some of which made me feel joy and others that left me bewildered. 

I think January is one of the hardest months to live through.  I blogged last year about the rise in depressed people during the winter months.  This past week we've had 3 people (ranging from a 14-year-old girl to an 80something-year-old woman) in our church family pass away.  One of the leaders I work with at New Covenant unexpectedly lost his job.  Lots of people seem to be facing physical issues.  It seems that if "life is hard," January only compounds the difficulty.

I've been listening a lot to the latest CD of worship music to come out of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO.  They are the church that in 2006 had to release their senior pastor after a sex scandal.  A year later they endured a shooting on their property.  And now they are about to be chastised in a documentary film.  That's a lot for a church family to go through.

That's why their latest worship CD is so powerful.  It is called "Counting on God."  The words of the opening song have been stuck in my head for weeks.

So after talking with a hurting wife yesterday, seeing the various reactions to Obama's swearing in, and thinking about the difficult situations many people find themselves in right now, I thought I'd share the lyrics here in hopes that they might encourage someone to keep trusting God through whatever it is they are facing.

I'm in a fight not physical
And I'm in a war 
But not with this world
You are the light that's beautiful
And I want more 
I want all that's Yours

Joy unspeakable that won't go away
Just enough strength 
To live for today
So I never have to worry 
What tomorrow will bring
'Cause my faith is on solid rock
I'm counting on God

I'm counting on 
I'm counting on God (repeat 3x)

The miracle of Christ in me
Is the mystery that sets me free
I'm nothing like I used to be
Open up your eyes you'll see

Words by Jared Anderson
© 2007 Vertical Worship Songs

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