Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Great Eight-Year-Old!

Yesterday was M's birthday. Our sweet 2nd daughter turned the "great 8". We had two celebrations - a small birthday party on Friday night (she wanted to go see Prince Caspian on opening night, so she took a couple of friends and we made a small party out of it!) and then a family celebration on her birthday. It was fun to see her smile in the middle of all the attention - our shy one is becoming more and more comfortable with who she is and more confident in unknown situations. It's wonderful seeing her mature.

Before the birthday meal of our family celebration, instead of one of us praying to thank God for the food, each person prayed, thanking God for one thing about M. We all agreed - we think M's great, even at 8, and we are thankful God put her in the Birdnest!

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