Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Blog Catch-Up

Once again I find myself with lots of thoughts (that sounds like a bad band name - "Lots of Thoughts"), but I'm just not getting these thoughts converted into blog posts. So I thought I'd do another "Catch-Up" blog. (I'm hoping these don't become a habit!)
  • Today is a big day in politics due to the unforeseen Democratic battle for President this year. John Ortberg has a GREAT short article about politics and the church that echoes the personal thoughts I've had for years.
  • Last night my family went to Wapsipinicon State Park for a picnic and hike. The picture is from our outing.
  • I've started watching Lost. I'd never seen it, but always knew I'd like it based on what I saw from commercials on TV. Then someone at Watershed a few weeks uttered the fateful words that have changed my life for the next few weeks/months - "You can watch Lost online for free". I'm surprised at how much of a soap opera it is - but I'm also surprised at the creativity it has sparked in me. Nothing has materialized yet from the creativity, but my juices sure get going while watching it.
  • I've been listening to the CDs that came in the most recent Relevant Network box. 3 of them have really appealed to my ears: Leeland Opposite Way, After Edmund Hello (Especially their opening song "Thank God" ("Thank God I've lost my hope in everything that isn't You...")), and Jared Anderson Where Faith Comes From (which surprised me since I didn't care for his first album).
  • My heart hurts for Myanmar right now - as of today, 22,000+ have lost their lives, and possibly a million are homeless from the devastation left behind by a cyclone.
  • I've been at the hospital a lot lately - lots of babies, but also some tough stuff. It's fun to visit parents when they have a little one - but I'm learning how to minister to those who aren't in such great circumstances. I sure hope I'm representing Christ well, as well as our church family, when I visit.
  • I'm in Acts right now in my own personal reading. Something that really stuck out at me was in chapter 12. This is a familiar passage about Peter's miraculous escape from prison. But something I seemed to miss in previous readings is verse 2 - James, the brother of John, was killed by the sword (possibly beheaded) by King Herod. It hit me - God allowed James to die, but chose to rescue Peter.
  • Softball practices have started for M. I am one of the coaches - thankfully there are 3 others, one of whom has done a fair bit of coaching.
  • This Sunday is Mother's Day. I am leading a LOT of baby dedications in the Sunday services.
  • After 4 awesome weeks of hearing my friend Andy speak about world missions, I am speaking at Watershed for the next 3 Thursdays.
I better stop there. I've worked on this post all day little by little, and now my wife and youngest son are here in my office waiting on me to go to a birthday party for a family friend. I have some big news I plan to share on here, hopefully by the end of the week. 'Til then...


Unknown said...

Once again, let LeAnn know that I am sorry that I have you addiced to watching LOST online. I am officially caught up on the show now... :)
Have a great day!
By the way, Did I happen to tell you that I will be going overseas on a mission trip for 11 months. (A.D.D. Moment)

-E said...

You don't need to apologize anymore. LeAnn has watched some episodes with me. :o)

And no, you didn't mention you were going on an 11-month missions trip. To where? What will you be doing? I want more info! :o)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Haha, well that is good that LeAnn is now slightly addicted.

I am going on saomething called "The World Race" through AIM. (www.theworldrace.org) I am in the process of getting my letter out just waiting on one more thing from AIM. I will be sure you will stay updated. I will be blogging a couple times a week before I go and while I am somewhere in the world. I leave in January and I am very excited about the doors God has been opening and will open.
Please be praying as I go through the fundraising process as well as the many things that I am sure satan will throw at me. He hates that I love Jesus! :)