Thursday, May 15, 2008

Microsoft and Narnia

I've had a major revelation today. Microsoft is running on Narnia time. He's how I've come to this amazing conclusion!

This Friday, we are taking my soon-to-be 8 year old daughter (and two of her friends) to see Prince Caspian on opening night for her birthday. (We've never done a "movie birthday party" so we'll have to see how this goes - Mom and Dad are just slightly nervous (but really looking forward to the movie ourselves!).) Of course, this means we have to re-read the book in preparation for the movie (which is a great excuse for father/daughter time!).

Well, in chapter 1, the Pevensie kids have been back in England for a year since their first adventure in Narnia in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. But they get pulled back into Narnia. A couple chapters later they realize that 1300 years or so has passed in Narnia while they've only been gone one year in "their" time. They realize this makes sense, because in their first adventure, they were in Narnia many years, growing into adults and serving as Kings and Queens for quite some time, but when they stumble back into our world through the wardrobe, it was as if they were only gone for a second.

So time moves differently in Narnia than in our world.

Today, I got a message from Microsoft Updater on my Mac saying that an critical upgrade was available for download for my recently installed version of Office 08. I chose to proceed with the upgrade. After clicking through all the legal stuff and selecting the location, I sat in horror as the progress bar window said that the installation would take 47 minutes.

But within seconds it was down to 26 minutes. Then 19. Then 17. Then 16. Then suddenly 5.

Within 2 minutes of seeing "47 minutes", I was told I only had a minute to go. That "About a minute" stayed there for over 5 minutes.

So clearly, Microsoft is operating on a different time continuum than the rest of us (or at least me and my Mac). Just look at how long it took them to put out Vista (and yet they acted like that was normal and fine) as further proof to my theory.

Thus, I have safely concluded that Microsoft is running on Narnia time. Here's hoping that Aslan can save them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For a second there I was scared you were going to say that Aslan is represents Steve Jobs.