Thursday, February 01, 2007

Campus Staff - Full-Time Ministry Opportunity

I've been wanting to post this for the past week, but things have been so full that I haven't been able to get to it. But this is BIG news!

New Covenant is ready to start having conversations with people who would be interested in helping us start a new campus ministry to Kirkwood Community College. You can see a job description and some other info from the Employment Opportunities page on the NCBC website.

We are praying that God will allow us to hire 4 individuals that are perfect for this job. You should know that our staff will need to raise their own funds (but New Covenant will be providing some financial support and other help - but how much is still being determined (we are just starting our church budget planning cycle)) and training will be provided by the EDGE Corp (part of the Navigators). There are no age requirements, just have to be able to connect with college aged young adults (well, you have to be out of the college years, so I guess there is one age requirement).

If you are interested, or know someone who would be, email me. We are already praying for these staff and for the students they will reach through God's empowerment. So let's talk!

Oh, and here's the official blurb we are using to advertise for this position:

A growing Bible church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is looking for team-minded individuals with a passion for college students to help start a new Christ-centered ministry on the main campus of Kirkwood Community College. This pioneering job will involve crafting something from scratch, establishing new relationships, raising your own funds, and allowing God to increase your faith in dramatic ways. To learn more...

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