Thursday, May 03, 2007

Buy a shoe, give a shoe

My dad worked in the art department (correction - he WAS the art department) for a small chain of retail shoe stores in the midwest for over 30 years before moving on to something new 4 years ago (which they just successfully sold this year to move into semi-retirement. Congrats Mom and Dad!). Because of Dad's job, I used to get to "shop" in the warehouse, having my pick of hundreds of name brand shoes at employee pricing. Oh, how I miss those days.

So while I don't have a fetish, nor a closet stuffed with footwear, I do like shoes (but I have to admit I don't understand women who go shoe shopping when they already have like 50 pairs in their closet - two everyday wear and one dress pair is enough, right?).

Because of this appreciation for a good pair of shoes, I really liked this site. TOMS Shoes combined the idea of footwear (important) with helping others (very important). While I'm not a huge fan of the appearance of the shoe, I love the idea, so thought I would share it!

1 comment:

Kami Rice said...

Hey, Erin--I was at a conference at the end of April which included the Tom's shoes guy among the speakers. Cool stuff. I hadn't heard anything about the shoes before that.