Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Generous Christmas

Here's a beautiful true story that tells of God's provision and blessing. The story is about generosity, a subject I am interested in and want to see captured by all people. And Christmas, the season we celebrate God's generous and indescribable gift of Jesus, is a perfect time for a story such as this one.

But there's something that bothers me a little about the story. Actually it's not the story that bothers me - but the reaction some people might have from it. I fear that some young adults might read an article such as the one I've just linked to and think "so if I just give generously to others - God will give me more!"

I've heard this mentality before. It seems just as selfish to me as the non-generous attitude so prevalent in our culture. The only reason we give is so that we can get more. And if we didn't get something in return, then we wouldn't give in the first place. That doesn't seem truly generous to me.

What makes the mentioned story so beautiful is that the couple didn't expect anything in return. They felt God's urge to be generous to another family, and they were obedient. They struggled with their own emotions, but eventually knew this was the right thing to do. They didn't do it expecting or demanding that God pay them back so generously.

May you capture a truly generous heart - that you will give without thought of getting. May you seek to be used by God as a blessing in the lives of others by being generous to them. And may you walk to the mailbox without expecting a "reimbursement" check.

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill

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Chriswab said...
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