Monday, September 05, 2005


Personal News
My family had a great Labor Day today. We had a slow morning, then went and played softball with people from church, enjoyed a picnic, and then had our normal weekly family night.

Personal Thoughts
I saw on a forum I frequent a post about a blog on the profits of the oil companies. This is something I would normally have no interest in, but with the war and Hurricane Katrina's effects on the price of gas (and my wallet), I couldn't help but click the link and read the blog myself.

If what is reported in that blog is true, it is very sad and frustrating to see the greed of American oil companies. But unforunately they aren't the only entities in our culture with a heart of greed.

Millions of Americans, Christians included, have hearts of greed. They have a desire for "more, more, more", yet "more" never quenches the desire.

But what God longs from us is a heart of generosity. He has a generous heart, as revealed in the giving of Jesus. And Jesus, our model, gave all of himself for us. And now God desires for us to follow the example of Him and His Son - to be generous, to give all of ourselves for others.

Are you ready to be generous? What area are you being greedy in? Rather than desire more, learn to be content with what God has given you so that the Holy Spirit can develop a heart of generosity in you.

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