Friday, December 11, 2009

Sharing the Story in the Language of the People

In the video above, a talented girl paints a story with sand on the Ukraine's version of "Britain's (or America's) Got Talent." It is clear to me the story has to do with the history of the Ukraine.  And as the camera pans the audience, you see women with tears in their eyes.  The story in the sand is part of the story of their lives, of their country, of their people.  And because it is their story, it moves them.

While the painting and soundtrack is graceful, I wasn't moved to tears a bit.  Why?  Because it is not my story.  I do not understand the language. I am not familiar with the tale. The story on the table does not resonate with my heart.  Because it is good art, I'm touched, but clearly not in the same way as many of the audience members.

However, there is a story that DOES resonate with my heart.  And I want to tell it.

I want to paint the story of the gospel in the lives of the people around me. I want to speak this good news in the language of the people.  I want to communicate the soundtrack of God that will touch hearts and move minds.  And when they understand it, people will jump to their feet to applaud the One who went to the cross. Then HIStory will become their story, a story about freedom, life, and love.  

I'm convinced, though, they won't understand the story of Jesus if I speak in a "foreign" language.  I need to speak Iowan.  I need to paint the Iowan way.  So as the video concludes, I find myself praying for God to help me share His story in the language of the people.  Just as I don't know the artist's name, I don't care if my name is known.  What matters is that HIStory is told and is written on the hearts of His people.

One last thought: just as painting with sand gets one's hands dirty, sharing the story of Jesus is my local context is messy.  But if Jesus could be born in a dirty stable with smelly animals and laid on a bed of donkey food, I think I can handle the mockery, the rejections, the failings, the messes, and such.  Because out of the sandy mess, God will paint something beautiful.

Posted via web from erin bird's web nest

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