Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Laughter to Warm Up a Chilly December Day

Here are some humorous things I've either seen or heard in the last few days that I thought I'd share:

1)  At our Christmas Open House a week and a half ago, I was having a conversation with Caleb, the son of my friend Laurie.  Caleb would ask me to guess an animal based upon his impersonation of that animals' call.  Well, because I love to tease and play around with kids, when Caleb would say "Ribbit" I'd guess "Cat".  He'd repeat it, and I'd guess "Cow".  After several of my lame attempts at guessing the correct animal, Caleb would announce the correct animal (in case you didn't know, "Ribbit" is what a frog says).  Caleb when then begin the game again with a different animal noise, and once again I'd guess incorrectly, sometimes with completely random guesses (I could have sworn Ear Wax said "Meow"!).

After a couple of rounds, Caleb asked me to guess another animal.  But instead of making a noise, Caleb got down on his hands and knees.  Then he very slowly dipped his head down, and then slowly brought it back up.  As he continued to repeat this motion, I looked at Laurie because I had no idea what Caleb was doing.  Based upon the look on Laurie's face, she didn't know either, so she finally asked him, "Caleb what animal is that?"

Caleb's response?  "I'm an ornamental reindeer!"

2)  At lunch on Sunday, my 5-year-old son announced to the whole family, "Jesus is in our whole house!  He's in the whole world!  And we step on Him!"

3)  I just saw one of Apple's Christmas commercial's for this year.  Of the two I saw, this one made me laugh.

1 comment:

Scot said...

Every time I drive by or walk by an ornamental reindeer now I can't help but laugh. That was very creative and funny.