Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's been a long time...

...since I've rock and rolled... er, rather... posted.  My blog has probably been feeling quite lonely.  I've been having lots of thoughts and lots of activity, but either haven't had time to post or not quite sure how to share the thoughts I was having.  So finally the crowd of thoughts is rushing in, and the blog isn't so lonely for the moment...
  • I helped out 2 days last week with Eight Days of Hope.  While I am extremely unhandy, it was a blast to help out.  In one home on Ellis Blvd. I helped rip out plumbing and old electrical wire that was still in the house 5 months after the flood (the photo here is from that home - you can see more photos on Facebook if you are one of my "friends") .  The next home (in Palo) I helped frame a bathroom, rip out old drywall screws, and do whatever they needed me to do so the rest of the team that actually knows what they are doing could do their job. :o)
  • My friend and executive pastor, Kim Pagel, posted about each day of Eight Days of Hope.  Each post is worth reading. And if you click on each of the photos, you'll see some great photos of each day.
  • So much work was done in just 8 days.  But not only physical work was completed.  Spiritual things happened as well.  At least two people we know of crossed the line of faith this week (they found the "Stairway to Heaven")!  And the couple that I got to help on Tuesday and Wednesday who hadn't darkened the door of a church in quite a while were at New Covenant this past Sunday! Kim said it well in his Day 6 post:
Who ever thought that people would come to Cedar Rapids from all corners of the United States with a common mission to bring hope and healing? Our city has been blessed, our lives have been enriched. Thank you for caring! Thank you for sharing! Thank you for coming!
  • I was sharing with my best friend in Michigan over the phone about some of the work we were doing in the homes, and how we had to tear rotten wood out before we could begin framing the bathroom in the home in Palo.  He responded with a smile in his voice, "sounds like a song I've heard."  He was referring to a song I wrote 8 years ago in response to a prayer he had been praying.
  • I played that song on Sunday, Oct 26th in all 4 services at New Covenant's 46th St. Campus and in the service at our Wash Campus on the 19th.  It fit really well with Bob Westfall's sermons from Romans 7.
  • The chorus of the song is:
Take me apart
Remake my heart
I don't care what it costs
I just want to be like you
  • I'll warn you - don't pray that prayer unless you are ready for God to rock your world! :o)
  • I just heard another song today that rocked my world.  Here it is:

  • Well, I slowly typed this as I watched election results tonight.  And now that Obama's been declared the winner (and my wife is asleep on my shoulder) I should head to bed.  I have more to share, but will do that at another time.
  • And since I've slipped in a couple of Led Zeppelin references throughout this post, I'll end with one more...
All my love,

1 comment:

Tiffanie Lloyd said...

Oh my goodness, your Facebook photo made me giggle!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Going to read a few more of your posts.