Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Junky Car Club

I am part of a club that I haven't officially joined, but I've been unknowingly part of it the past few years. The club is called the Junky Car Club. To join, you simply have to have a car that is 10 years or older, and the money you would normally use for a car payment for something "nicer" goes toward some cause.

One of the causes mentioned is Compassion. LeAnn and I started sponsoring a Compassion child our first year of marriage, and now sponsor two sisters in Tanzania (looking to add a boy next year when my son, S, turns 5).

And I drive a 1996 Ford Taurus Wagon with 146,000 miles on it. Not exactly the kind of car I would normally pick, but it gets me from home to work everyday without too much complaining (the transmission slips a little, but nothing is screaming under the hood at me). So I guess without even trying, I qualify for the club.

I might join officially, but part of me doesn't really want to. I mean, the club is about giving up something to give something. I think that is awesome, but in all honestly I don't feel like I've really given up anything. I give to Lucia and Rosina through Compassion because they need it, not because I need to go without a nicer car. I give to my church because of our mission to share Christ with our community. I give to missionaries because they are sharing Christ with people I can't. I give to local charities because they are making a difference in people's lives. I guess I wouldn't think twice about it.

So I'm conflicted about joining. I want to join to inspire others to give up something in order to give something, but I don't want to make it look like I'm trumpeting my own greatness. I guess I prefer to fast in secret rather than let everyone know.

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