Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Coming out of the Closet

One of the many projects LeAnn and I didn't get to during my first week off in November (due to my illness) was purging our closets of old and unused clothes.  In our 13 1/2 years of marriage (as of today - I'd like to wish my wife a happy half-anniversary), we have never truly purged our closets.  We still had worn out clothes from our high school days sitting on our hangers.  While it was tempting to keep them preparing for the 80s fashion retro fad, we knew it was time to help our clothes come out of the closet.

I was eager to begin the project, but the first few items I was pulling out, I found myself hesitating.  I didn't want to part with these pieces of fabric!  So I compromised and created a "maybe" pile.  I was surprised at how I wanted to keep these things, even though I hadn't worn them for 2 or 3 years.  But once I got going, it became easier and easier.  In fact, I started having so much fun, I was even willing to take the risk as a husband and tell my wife what she needed to get rid of! :o)

Eventually, all of my "maybe's" went in to the bags destined for Goodwill.  And I was pleased at the sense of peace it gave me to have my closets cleansed.  The more I learn about myself, the more I realize how uncluttered I prefer my environments, so it feels really good to walk into a thinned closet, knowing I have everything I need and perhaps someone else will benefit from the items I no longer was using.

So give yourself a Christmas gift this year by getting rid of a few things out of your closet.  It might put you in the Christmas Spirit more than you expect.

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