Thursday, September 27, 2007

My boring blog

Finally I know why my blog is so boring.  I don't post frequently enough.  I don't post about enough current topics.  I seem to be more of a drive-by blogger.

But I'm content with that.  I blog for myself and any young adults (or perhaps their parents) that might actually be interested in reading one of my thoughts.  I know my blog doesn't contribute very much to the grand scheme of life and God's Kingdom, but sometimes it is the perfect format for me to just share my thoughts.  And (based on the very nice person who just stuck their head in my office moments ago (unbeknownst to what I was typing here) and said how much she enjoys my blog) it occasionally blesses others too.

So I think I'll just stick to the way I've been doing things.  Even if it is boring.

1 comment:

Kim Pagel said...

You keep on blogging for yourself. I love reading what you write!