Saturday, October 29, 2011

Church Planting, Swimming, & Comparing


I swim 3 days each week for exercise.  I'm not saying this to brag - but I am almost always the fastest person in the pool.  I like it when there is someone about my tempo in the pool to push me - but it rarely ever happens.

But just when a guy starts to get a big head...

The other day I happened upon the website of a college swim team.  Their "latest news" shared results from the team's most recent meet.  Now, keep in mind, this is a Division II school, so it isn't exactly spitting out Olympians.  But in a recent meet, one guy set a school record in the 100 Free.  His time was under 50 seconds.  I saw this and groaned - I can't even get under a minute!  Right now, in an all out sprint, I might get under 1:05. (I don't even want to go see what times Olympic swimmers can post...)

Comparison Swimming
If I compare myself to others, I am bound to "lose."  Those guys swim 3000 to 5000 yards each day, 6 to 7 times a week, with good coaching.  I am coach-less, swim only three times each week, and MIGHT do 3000 yards in a workout.

But if I compare myself to myself, things look differently. 

When I started swimming for exercise about 5 years ago, I was happy if I could do a 100 Free in 1:30.  Usually, my pace was 1:40.  But slowly that time kept dropping.  By the time I moved to Kansas City, my pace was 1:20.  And now I am approaching 1:15's.

When I look at it that way, suddenly I feel a little bit better.

Comparison Church Planting
Last week I had the joy of spending three days with New City Church.  Matt Miller, the lead planting pastor, did a Leadership Residency at Restore like I am.  He is about a year ahead of where I am in this journey, so I wanted to learn from him.

Matt and his team are in a really sweet spot.  Three churches have come together to help fund this new work.  They are in an area that not only has obvious gospel needs, but there is no other church plant in the area.  They are going to be launching in an abandoned theater that is being remodeled just for them.  They already have 80 adults and 40+ kids part of their "launch" team.   It was really inspiring to see all that is taking place and feel the momentum they have.

But if I begin the comparison game, I could end up quite discouraged.  I don't have 3 churches banding together to plant a new church.  I don't have a theater owner remodeling his property so I can move in.  I don't have the cash and the staff and the team and the...

Heck, I don't even have a city yet!

But if I compare myself to myself, things look differently.

Three years ago, I was afraid to say "yes" to church planting.  Two years ago, I was saying yes with many doubts and questions.  A year ago, I finally stepped out in faith.  Now I am half-way through my Residency, living by faith that God will provide much in the coming months.

My prayer is not that God will repeat Matt's story in my life.  My prayer from the very beginning has been that God would plant this church in such a way that He will get all the glory.

And by faith, I know He will.  And when I look at it that way, suddenly I feel a little bit better.

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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