Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Church Planting Dance

You know those airport walkways... the ones like moving sidewalks?  So far in this faith walk into church planting, I feel like I'm walking the wrong direction on one of those.

     - On good days it's two steps forward, one step back.
     - But other days it's one step forward, two steps back.

I'll admit, it gets frustrating.  I wish we could just take three steps forward, then four steps forward, then two steps forward, and just keep going.

But that hasn't been the case.  I know it isn't for a lack of trying - I'm working as hard as I probably ever have.  But whether it is with The RiverTree Project, or house projects, or fundraising, I feel like God has me walking against the flow.

Some people will see this as a "sign" that I'm not called into church planting, or that I'm really working against God and am not following His will.

But I know I'm not going against God.  In fact, I feel like this is exactly where He wants me and my family.  I am having to trust that He really is orchestrating the timing of all this, and there is a purpose in the slow go.

So I am hoping that these forward and backward steps aren't just movement for movement's sake.  Rather, I'm believing this is a dance the Lord has us in that will reveal itself one day to be a very beautiful thing.

Alright, enough complaining - I need to get back to attempting another dance step forward...

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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