Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to use cancer for the glory of God


Meet Aaron and Shannon.  They are the type of couple that you like as soon as you meet them.  Shannon always has a smile on her face.  Aaron is as honest and hard-working as they come.  They love people unconditionally, and yet strive to stand up for truth.  If you were to ask me to sum up this couple in one word, I would have to say "quality."
Several months ago, this quality couple received devastating news.  Shannon had cancer.  And this cancer wasn't content to just sit in one organ where surgery and chemo could kill it.  No, this cancer decided to spread. And spread. And spread.
The news broke everyone's hearts: their daughters, their extended families, their co-workers, their small group.  And many of these people began to ask: "Why would God allow this to happen to such a quality couple?"
I'm sure Aaron and Shannon asked "why" at times, but rather than allow the "why" questions drive them towards anger and away from Christ, something amazing began to happen.  God flooded Aaron and Shannon with a peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).  Their faith in Christ held them strong through these tumultuous times.  If you or a loved one has gone through cancer, you know that is a miracle in and of itself.  But God's amazing work didn't stop there.
Family and friends began to inquire about this amazing peace.  And Shannon would simply respond, "I have peace because I know where I'm going when I die.  I'm not worried about me.  But I am worried about you."  And she would then tell them about the gospel, the good news that Christ died on a cross for the forgiveness of sins so we could enter into an eternal relationship with a perfect God.
Lives began to change.  First it was Shannon's mom.  Then one of mom's friends.  Then one of Aaron's co-workers.  Then another co-worker.  Now on Sunday night at our 5:00 pm service, instead of just Aaron & Shannon sitting in the front right section with one or both of their daughters, there are now two whole rows filled with family and friends pursuing Christ.
A week or two ago, Aaron told me about something that happened at their Tuesday night Bible Study they are doing with all of these new Christians.  One person asked Shannon something to the effect of "if you had to do this all over again, would you?"  Without hesitation, she said yes.  The group didn't believe her!  They questioned her more, challenging the insane thought that someone would actually endure this painful time in life again by choice.  But Shannon's response was simple.  Aaron told me she said something like this:
"Look at how God has used this!  All of you are a testimony that this cancer hasn't been wasted.  I would gladly go through this again because it has brought all of you to life in Christ."

THAT is how to use cancer for the glory of God!
One of the men that Aaron works with who has become a follower of Christ was baptized last night at our annual Palo Baptisms.  I shot this with my iPhone from probably 20 feet away, so you will need turn your speakers way up to hear Chad's story, but it's worth it.
Download now or watch on posterous
Chads_Story_-_Computer.m4v (24835 KB)
Tomorrow, Aaron and Shannon fly to Europe for an experimental procedure that will hopefully eradicate the cancer from Shannon's body.  The procedure isn't available in the States yet, and this seems to be Shannon's last hope outside of direct divine intervention.  We are praying for God's healing, and we are praying that He would even use this procedure to heal her.  Would you please take a moment right now to pray for Aaron and Shannon right now?
Pray for:
- Safety as they fly
- Calm hearts
- the procedure to work
- healing and long physical life
- God to continue to be glorified through this entire experience

Posted via email from erin bird's web nest

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