Friday, March 06, 2009

300 Web 2.0 sites

The "300" in the title does not mean 300 website links.  I'm making note that this is my 300th post since using Blogger.  Not quite sure this is worthy of being the monumental 300th post, but oh well.  I don't have time to wax eloquent right now.

I've come across some new websites lately that I thought would be of interest to some young adults.  So here are the links:

WeSeed - I saw this a couple of days ago.  I intended to look into it more for my own curiosity, but I'm thinking now I won't have time.  But if you are like me and don't know tons about the stock market, this might be a fun and risk-free way to learn.

ChaCha - A friend told me about this one.  With ChaCha, you send any question in a text message to 242-242 ("cha-cha") and a real live human being texts back an answer.  I tried it a couple of times.  The first answer was spot on, the second one left a little to be desired (but I admit it was a bit of a trick question if the person who got it was a non-Christian).  This could come in handy at certain times.  But please don't use it to cheat at Trivial Pursuit.  And if some of you are desperate for money, you can even become a ChaCha guide and get paid to answer people's questions!

TaTango - Another friend told me about this one.  I've seen other group texting sites before, but none that offer "free" like this one.  I was thinking it might work out for the new BE[cause] ABF we started here at New Covenant for young single twentysomethings, but turns out we already have this functionality built in to some software we use.  But perhaps it might be useful to someone out there.  Happy Text Messaging!

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