Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here's a GREAT mini-movie (it's eleven minutes long) from the creative minds at Steelhouse. "Doug" is about the role the Holy Spirit can play in our lives.  Enjoy this excellent parable!

Preview for DOUG

1 comment:

Delirious? said...

I think I get the point. The Holy Spirit challenges the natural desires of the flesh, redirecting the person to do the right thing, even though there's nothing "in it" for the person. And that He does that patiently.

I would say, though, that the feature seems to missing something in it's portrayal of the person of the Holy Spirit. Doug seems pretty distant and somewhat tired of waiting. And quite interested in Starbucks, too. Who knew? To be sure, there are times when I think that the Holy Spirit is pretty distant with me and tired of waiting on me. But I think about the times where He ushers me, undeservedly, into the presence of the one true living God where I can only feel, think and respond to His presence alone. And the times where He is closer than a brother, where He tells me I am His beloved. I think that both sides, the distant perspective and the clos skin perspective, need to be show to accurately portray the Holy Spirit.